I'll have to admit, I haven't been posting for a while because I've been frustrated with the people I believe in. I was willing to be a good soldier and go along with John McCain even though I didn't support him in the primaries because he is a hero and he is not Osamabama. However, I wasn't very excited about our man. That was until the genius pick for Sarah Palin to be our next Vice President.
This woman is brilliant! Just look at how mad the libtards are about. The madder the libtards are about a canidate the better of a leader they will make. She's a religous conservative, an anti-corruption crusader, a courageous leader who is willing to truth to power, and more importantly she is one of us, a real American. She will make a great leader one day and she will make a great canidate today. She has been a political boom for McCain and guess what? Some people in the media actually like her.
Not everyone in the normally libtard propaganda machine (I mean the MSM) has been kind to her, but many have. Just look at how little coverage Osamabama is getting now that Palin is part of the ticket. The polls show that this is a genius move too. Sarah Palin has 80% approval ratings, higher than both McCain, Bush, and Osamabama! Talk about a renaissance lady. Sarah Palin does it all for America!