Sunday, June 1, 2008

Keep Mandela on the Terrorist Watch List

I just read of an attempt in the U.S Congress to remove South African terrorist leader Nelson Mandela from the list that keeps tabs on such individuals. While this move might warm the hearts of some leftards, such as Sen. John Kerry who is leading the charge on this one, it will needlessly endanger the lives of millions of Americans. Mandela's career as a terrorist began with his founding of, Umkhonto we Sizwe, South Africa's equivalent of al-Quadea, and since his retirement has continued with advocacy on behalf of terrorist causes.

In his retirement Mandela has remained close to both Islamos and Communists. I could talk about his positions, but his own words provide a much better idea of where he stands then I could ever do. Here are some quotes from South Africa's Obama, I mean Osama:

"Long live the Cuban Revolution. Long live comrade Fidel Castro. . .The Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration to all freedom-loving people,"

"We consider ourselves to be comrades in arms to the Palestinian Arabs in their struggle for the liberation of Palestine. There is not a single citizen in South Africa who is not ready to stand by his Palestinian brothers in their legitimate fight against the Zionist racists,"

Doesn't he sound like a wanna be suicide bomber here?
"It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die,"

Mr. Mandela has also accused George W. Bush of racism for not following the orders of the U.N on Iraq.

Mr. Mandela has even has time to look out for the comforts of the poor old Islamo who was behind the Lockerbie Bombing.
"Megrahi is all alone', Mandela told a packed press conference in the prison's visitors room. 'He has nobody he can talk to. It is psychological persecution that a man must stay for the length of his long sentence all alone. It would be fair if he were transferred to a Muslim country,"


dcat said...

Damn that race card bullshit!

I guess I am prepared as well!

I sure won't give up with out a fight!

American Patriot said...

Your not secretly a Islamo spy are you? LOL, keep up the good work

dcat said...

You too Yank! :D