Friday, May 9, 2008

In most countries traitors are shot, in America they are democrats

Above we have Barak Hussein Obama during the pledge, Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison taking the oath of office on the Koran, Jimmy Carter and Fidel Castro sharing s special moment, Nancy Pelosi meeting with the Syrian dictator, Bill Richardson meeting with Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, and Jimmy Carter laying a wreath on the tomb of Palestinian terrorist leader Arafat.


Hints said...

In most countries, people like you receive a better education.

When rightwingnuts finally realise that diplomacy (that's talking, for the intellectually challenged) is less costly than going to war, perhaps we shall have fewer of them.

But then nutjobs enjoy a good war or three or four - as long as someone else fights it for them.

American Patriot said...

Well first of all, no one enjoys a war, but some people understand that there are things, such as subjugation, that are worse. As a great man once said "War is a horrible thing. But it is not the worst thing", but you wouldn't know anything about that.

Actually I have a very good education in the ways of the world. That's why I understand the danger of having people like you around. People like Neville Chamberlin who would rather coddle up to a dictator and leave fixing the mess up to the conservatives, the people who actually have a clue about what is going on.

I know what diplomacy is, but I also now what it isn't. Our leaders do not smile and shake hands with dictators. Our leaders bury terrorists, they don't put wreaths on their tombs, our leaders respect our nation's flag, and they don't take oath's office on the ideological inspiration of our enemies. Could you imagine what would happen if we had people like you around during World War II. You'd be cheering on Hitler and your representatives would be taking the oath of office on their copies of Mein Kamp.

Since you don't have anything intelligent to say YOU NEED TO PISS OFF! THIS IS MY BLOG AND I DON'T NEED TO JUSTIFY MYSELF TO YOU@

dcat said...

I think hint should eat his flower and stay out of politics or any other intellectual thought. Oh and a political science degree doesn’t count HINT!

Dimmying down of America I see from our liberal school system. Only the smart see the change and nut cases like obaaabaaa want to hand us all over on a silver platter to the ME nut jobs! You can’t negotiate with nut jobs or folks like hint!

Even though you give em a hint they won’t get the answer.

Don’t let anyone stop you from posting American patriot! People like, “hint” are bored and don’t have a life and it is lonely sitting on the far left loon side. It’s not too productive on his side of the unproductive political side. All they do is have pity parties.

LOL BTW American Patriot loved the title of the post! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE…

Hints said...

Well, I have certainly raised the bristles of the vicious rightwing warmongers.

I'll bet neither of you thus far have actually fought in a war.

Additionally, let's not forget that the US was loathe to enter World War 2, thanks to the conservative braindead capitalists who had industrial interests in Germany at the time.

Prescott Bush anyone?

dcat said...

Yer phishing and I won't play with you because then I will just have to kill you.

So you can just go and play with yourself because this is Friday night and I refuse to waste it on a nut job loon like you!

American Patriot said...

Well said! We have better things to do then teach a leftard history!

dcat said...

Heh American Patriot,

I have been around the block with the loons since before the fall of Saddam! So have fun with it!

It's not like they learn anything! Some even go and re edit wikipedia for kicks!

Martha said...

Let's see how much freedom you have to spout your nonsense when & if you "intelligent" people get what you wish for. Here are a few quotes for you from intelligent men:

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
Sir Winston Churchill

dcat said...

Hint is with Hezbollah

They put up bogus sites and have their little imps post...

American Patriot said...

Hint must be tight with comrade George Galloway.

American Patriot said...

He is pro-Hezbollah too, he's also good buddies with Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. Looking at his track record makes American democrats look like upstanding patriots.

Anonymous said...

he wasn't doing the pledge he was standing at attention during the star spangled banner